Setup Programs & Utilities
GageWay Pro Setup Software
The GageWay Pro Setup Software is used to configure the interface options and transfer these options to and from the GageWay Pro. The setup program contains a Home Tab that has options used by all of the GageWay Pro models. The setup program also includes a tab for each of the GageWay Pro models. When a GageWay Pro is found by the setup program, the only tabs that will be displayed are the Home Tab and the tab for the GageWay Pro model that was found.
All of the screens contain extensive Help information directly on the screen. When a setup is created, you can transfer it to the interface. You can also save this setup to a file as a backup or for transferring to other interfaces.
USB Driver
MicroRidge products that require USB Serial drivers are all based on the USB to Serial IC manufactured by FTDI Chip (
The latest drivers and a description of the supported operating systems are available at The drivers included in the table below are the setup executable drivers available from the link in the Comments on the FTDI Chip site. These drivers have a file extension of exe. We do not use the drivers with the zip extension.
This driver is a WHQL (Windows Hardware Quality Labs) certified release. This driver is only for use with products containing the USB to Serial IC manufactured by FTDI Chip.